Climbing course - outdoor


You have already climbed indoor and now you want to go out on the rock?
Or you want to refresh and expand your climbing skills, improve your belaying and climbing technique.
In these courses you will learn everything you need to know for safe and independent climbing. We will lead you step by step to your goal. After this course you can already climb easy routes indoors or outdoors in the lead.

Goals and contents
You learn the most important basic terms of climbing: knots, roping up, belaying, rope handling, interesting facts about the material, climbing techniques, express hooking, rope guidance in the lead, top rope etc.
In our introductory courses we show you what you need to know for climbing single rope routes. You can immediately apply what you have learned in the beautiful climbing routes in the selected areas.
Requirements: Difficulty: Rock: approx. from 4b

In the one-, two- or three-day courses, the students acquire and apply in-depth knowledge as well as familiar refresher courses. We visit well-known but also less known climbing areas in the region of Ticino, Heidiland, Glarnerland and Central Switzerland. We know a lot of climbing areas and can choose according to weather conditions, season and seasonality.

CHF 330.- incl. instruction by mountain guide or climbing instructor
from meeting point drive to areas
small group from 4 persons

Course can also be hold as a
1 day course CHF 170.-
3 day course CHF 450.-
excl. accommodation costs (prices between approx. 70.- to 90.- for overnight/ brakefast)


26th/ 27th october 2024 Climbing course basic, Ticino » book
Alpventura GmbH
Via Alpsu 20
CH-7180 Disentis / Mustér